
A selection of music I have composed for different projects in the previous years. Here are small snippets from the TV series NUDES (NRK/Barbosa film), a few clips from Weight of Spring (Erika Calmeyer/Benjamin Loeb), as well as music from the interdisciplinary art project Næsten Menneske (almost human), the podcast Gamle Greier (a historical podcast by the Norwegian National Library), as well as the podcasts På Avstand (NRK EKKO, Filt Oslo), RMC Podcast (Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Cph) and VIRUS (Memoar/Norwegian Folk Museum).



A selection of music from the Norwegian TV series NUDES. Directed by Liv Joelle Barbosa Blad and Erika Calmeyer for Barbosa Film/NRK.



Music for the trailer of "Se litt tilbake" by Trond Kvig Andreassen.